Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

The average email open rate for all industries hovers at about 20 percent, according to research from Constant Contact. For those unfamiliar, an open rate is simply the number of emails opened versus the number of emails sent. And to be sure, 20 percent is no small feat when you think about the sheer volume of message today’s consumer receives on a daily basis. It’s hard to capture your audience’s attention, what with nearly every retailor hammering their client list with an endless stream of content. That’s why today we decided to present a review of some of the most common email marketing mistakes you’ll want to avoid if your goal is to stand out in the inbox.

Nothing Personal 

Custers are more likely to engage with your content if you’re offering them personalized content. We’re not just talking using their name in a subject line, either. The content within your sends should be relevant to this customer’s purchasing behavior (if you’re a retailer) or interests they’ve shown while navigating your site, such as webinars and white papers. Personalized, relevant content helps bond a user to your brand and builds trust—both key ingredients to increased engagement. And if customers are interacting with your emails, you’re more likely to generate revenue from them.

Missing out on Mobile 

Research suggests that 80 percent of emails are opened on a mobile device—insane, right? This staggering percentage is all the more reason you need to ensure your email content is accessible (and readable!) on mobile. There is a delicate balance between copy and design that you’ll need to strike; images can take up a lot of valuable real estate, but when done right they can also get your message across quite effectively. As you’re designing your emails, be sure to test them on multiple device sizes so you can get a real-time view of what your recipients will be seeing.

Too Much, Too Often 

Inbox overcrowding is a real thing—a real bad thing. In 2020, over 300 billion emails were sent every day in this country. The way to your customers’ hearts is likely by taking a “less is more” approach. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to the frequency of email sends, so it’s important to test… and test, and test. Try sending out your campaigns on a bi-weekly basis, and increase the frequency from there. When your open rates start to dip or your unsubscribes start to increase, pull back. It’s all about balance. Unsure if your tactics are working? Go straight to the source! Don’t be shy about asking your subscribers how frequently they’d like to receive emails from you.

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